Reminded me of a good read. Didn't get it until one day about 2 years after I read it, I got it. Wow moment.
He walked a razor's edge every day. I remember the day one of my gunsmiths came bursting thru the door, went to the radio and turned the station to Rush's program.
We stared at the radio in stunned silence until someone said, "they are going to have to kill him. You can't say that stuff".
Having had a democrat controlled house and senate for 40 years, total control of the narrative, all the levers of power for generations, we conservatives were lost in the wilderness, afraid to speak our minds thinking we were the oddballs, the misfits.
Rush gave our thoughts voice, and by doing so freed us to use our own. We owe him literally everything as (true) conservatives and constitutionalists. He was the Donald Trump of media.