Anonymous ID: 068720 Feb. 17, 2021, 1:11 p.m. No.12975558   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Florida Rep Sabatini Files Bill to Stop Transgenders from Competing in Women’s Sports, Sex Change Surgery on Minors


"The radical woke left has declared war on gender, and this bill fights back against them."


Florida State Rep Anthony Sabatini has filed a new bill that would prevent transgenders from playing in girls’ school sports and stops sex change surgery on minors.


Sabatini filed Florida House Bill 935, also known as the Protecting Girls’s Sports Act, last week. The bill amends two pieces of previous Florida law relating to discrimination against students, and eligibility of school sports, ensuring that “only students of the female sex are eligible to participate on athletic teams designed for girls only.”


Not only does Sabatini’s bill stop male-to-female transgenders, who benefit from more athletic and strong skeletal structures, from competing in women’s sports in school, but it also criminalizes the performance of any type of transgender surgery, including sex change surgery and hormone treatments. Any medical practitioner who performs treatment “for the purpose of attempting to change the minor’s sex” would be committing a misdemeanour of the first degree.


“Both women’s sports and our children must be protected from radical social experimentation,” Sabatini said in a tweet announcing the bill. Speaking exclusively to National File, he argued that the “radical woke left has declared war on gender, and this bill fights back against them.”


The bill from Sabatini in the Florida State Legislature mirrors one created at the national level at the end of last year by former Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard. The “Protect Women’s Sports Act of 2020,” would clarify Title IX protections to be based on biological sex, not gender, thereby impacting transgender athletes in the same way that Sabatini’s bill would.

Anonymous ID: 068720 Feb. 17, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.12975567   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Arizona Sheriff Sees Fivefold Increase in Illegal Border Crossings


High-speed vehicle pursuits of suspected human smugglers and other illegal immigrant-related crimes are becoming more common in Cochise County, Arizona, according to Sheriff Mark Dannels.


Dannels tracks illegal border crossings through his extensive hidden trail camera operation along his county’s 83 miles of shared border with Mexico.


The cameras showed 1,200 illegal entries in August 2020, and by December, it had more than doubled to 2,500, he said. Before August, 500 was a busy month.


“That’s what scares me about this whole thing,” he told The Epoch Times on Feb. 15. “Though I believe politics has no business in policing, it sure has an effect on the border.”


President Joe Biden has undone several border security measures that the Trump administration had put into effect, including temporarily suspending deportations of illegal aliens, reversing President Donald Trump’s ban on travel from terror-prone countries, halting border wall construction, and issuing a sweeping immigration package to Congress that includes amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants.


Biden has also pledged to bring in 25,000 asylum-seekers who are waiting in Mexico for their immigration case to be adjudicated under the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program.


“The president’s view is that the approach of the prior administration was immoral, but also ineffective in terms of addressing the challenge—the many challenges of an outdated immigration system,” said White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Feb. 16.


However, Dannels says the “best border efforts we’ve ever had in the last three decades in Cochise County was over the last couple of years.”


“We had a president that was very tough on the border, nobody would question that. And now we’ve got a president who’s going to do just the opposite,” he said. “Are they rescinding them [executive orders] because it was Trump who was the author of it and it’s revengeful? Or are they rescinding it because it wasn’t working? I would question both those thoughts.”


Dannels said he’s concerned that border sheriffs are going to be sidelined during the Biden administration. He sits on the Homeland Security Advisory Council and was part of the Biden transition team for border issues. He was optimistic after the initial meeting about collaboration and other issues.


But he said he hasn’t been included in conversations about the impact of ending the MPP program, which he sees as one of the most effective policies.


On Feb. 19, the Department of Homeland Security will start to bring in 25,000 illegal immigrants who are part of the program.


“We’re going into Mexico during a health pandemic and bringing 25,000 over. It doesn’t make sense. It’s hypocritical,” Dannels said. “Either we’re in the middle of a health pandemic, or we’re not. Somebody in Washington, D.C., needs to make that decision.”