Anonymous ID: a48ab9 Feb. 17, 2021, 12:03 p.m. No.12975188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5207 >>5255

Posting this again now that the board has calmed down


Yesterday (2/16/21) there was a Minneapolis based radio sation that on one of their programs were interviwing a criminal defense lawyer from Minneapoils. His name is Joe Friedberg. It was on the station KFAN on the Dan Barreiro show. The main topic was the George Floyd case and the recent revelations that came out about Derek Chauvin pleading guilty to 3rd degree murder and Bill Barr not accepting the plea. This lawyer believes that the leak about the plea deal must’ve come from the prosecution’s side somewhere. He goes on to bash the prosecutions case and the way they’ve been handling this the whole time. He says repeatedly that there’s no way this can go to a jury trial because now that the plea was in the news, it will be almost impossible to find a juror that either hasn’t heard about it, or how can you ask a person if they’ve heard about something without then telling them about said event. Sounds like a real shit show brewing for the trial looming ahead.


<iframe allow="autoplay" width="100%" height="300" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>


starts just after the 1 hr 10 min mark


Hope the link works, it’s iHeart radio so not sure if it will or not