Posted this too late in the last bread, so reposting
Act Now: Stop Bill that Removes Parents from Medical Decision-making
"…The District of Columbia City Council passed a bill (B23-0171) that allows children as young as 11 years old to consent to vaccinations without their parent’s knowledge, even if the parent has already declined the vaccine for medical or religious reasons.
The bill goes further and requires the vaccine provider and the child’s school to conceal from the parent that the child was vaccinated, specifically preventing an insurer from sending an explanation of benefits listing the vaccination…"
"…By undermining parental liberty, this bill sets a dangerous precedent that could be replicated across the nation. The notion that 11-year-old children must be enabled to make decisions contrary to the wishes of their loving parents has grave consequences for both the well-being of children and individual freedom. And these consequences extend far beyond the limited area of vaccinations…"