>moving to
How long will this take?
I mean, if you slap handcuffs on him the powers disappear immediately.
>moving to
How long will this take?
I mean, if you slap handcuffs on him the powers disappear immediately.
>the first arrest will shock the world
We're at the point where any arrests would shock the fucking universe.
Is this real?
If you're a private citizen and the FBI investigates you, you end up like Branch Davidian. If you're a government stooge above a certain paygrade and the FBI investigates you, you end up like Hillery Clinton. At least they are consistent.
If children were people it would be illegal to cook their blood in the Passover breads or to harvest their adrenochrome from their terrified bodies.
Five-eyes are hacking the streams?
Trump's mistake was promising to Drain the Swamp and then when he gets in office is forced to hire the swamp as his high level advisors and officials because the Senior Executive Service runs DC and that is their rules.
Because SES is the swamp.
Google Sky?
Bundy Ranch was Harri Reid trying to push the rancers off so they could lease the land to Chyna for an energy complex.
Trust the Plan.
Ever since the board was deleted pngs have been sketchy. Most of the time they won't expand.
They can teach him to communicate with a smart phone. He could speak with pictures.