Anonymous ID: 0ab3e8 Feb. 19, 2021, 3:28 a.m. No.12998428   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hopefully, this will post.

I've watched what's gone on since the very first bread over on halfchan. I can tell with the honest vibes and bluntness that 8bit and FJ show, that you guys should be commended for all you have to deal with.


8bit, thank you for serving us and helping us weather the many storms we've passed through. FJ, while I've questioned your loyalties before, this thread's shown me what your heart lays. Mistakes don't define patriotism, but goodwill and perseverance does.


The Cabal may try to memory hole everything, but I won't let them ever take my memory and knowledge of what truly happened here. I'll make damn fucking sure that every true anon's effort is recounted accurately, even if I'll just be one man.