Anonymous ID: 2a44cf Feb. 18, 2021, 4:53 a.m. No.12980471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>referring to ALL threads and comments on this thread


Seems like the 10 days of darkness only starts when this board blows its final fuse


Please god let it be so

Anonymous ID: 2a44cf Feb. 18, 2021, 7:25 a.m. No.12981138   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The absence of Q or his promises is what mortally wounded the board, but the internal strife is the fire that takes it to the grave. Whererever Q&team are, I hope they are doing well at least. Some stuff that happened cannot be explained easily, that's what keeps me with some hope up.


>If all this is a shame, congratulations, that's how EVERY SINGLE new age psyop has worked since the dawn of new age and compromised spiritual movements. Hopium+


>infinite waiting for "x".


It always was, and always will be politically driven. Those in power want to retain, those who want go for it. None of those have any good intentions for We the People. We are not even part of the equation, only as assets to be used as seen fit by those forces.


With the chances of retaining power for the forces that drove Q waning, the board is fading back into obscurity - it was only a means to an end. Until the next need arises. I don't think that by that time this board will still be relevant.


What will be interesting to see is how much of the truth sticks around in peoples minds this time around. Even though lot of (mis)information goes hand in hand with Truths that drives/empowers the opposing force to the powers that be, the core of the Intel can not be denied.


We learned too much. Those of us that now KNOW can never UN-know. If this was but a psyop, then those driving it have either terribly underestimated the reach of modern communications,It works both ways. Or have figured they can get way to damage control. Censorship, suppression et al.


The big question remaining, have enough people been awakened? I think not. If there is any of the damning information, proof of all the accusations available that has been dangled in front of our noses, it needs to surface once and for all at one point in time.


If that doesn't happen any time soon, I would say it is safe to assume we were all taken for a ride, and got fucked three ways over