Anonymous ID: 3aeb8c Feb. 19, 2021, 5:39 a.m. No.13000138   🗄️.is 🔗kun


<NatSocs are jews y'know :^)

<jews are not evil per se~

You fall for d&c JIDF bullshit propaganda very easily.

You are just another faggot who can't into race realism who believes the jews are not the bad guys who caused human suffering for the past 300 years starting with that piece of shit frankist yid (((levi))).

Their racial unity is what kept them going strong, their race-based cult religion and the theological abomination that is communism, of which is their own making, are their pillars of cultural and spiritual support against the filthy non-jew gentiles on this planet.

No amount of christcuck zeal will save anyone from cultural and racial obliteration.

<Now you may go "yeah, because they are the Jews" and in my opinion you are wrong.

Your opinion is smooth brain'd as fuck.