Anonymous ID: 81779b Feb. 18, 2021, 9:17 p.m. No.12995724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5750


Sorry satan, tired of blackpill shills.


Well, on that we agree and it's pretty much what I've been doing since I'm just some fag with an internet connection. Hence my reaction really, since reading notables became part of my routine and I don't have the means to read through the bullshit press or twitter by myself. I'm good to move if we need to move, but I need to know where so I don't miss it and, considering the state of things, info like that is prone to get lost.


What I don't agree on is blackpilling everyone else by repeating nothing has happened in some misguided hope the universe reacts, because things have very definitely been happening, and they're happening constantly. They're not things we'd hope would be happening by now, but they nonetheless happen. Most major indication the plan is still in motion: pedo arrests and convictions moving from bigass darknet forums to content producers, specifically smallscale/family abuse content. This is completely separate from hopium, clockfagging, datefagging or reading tea leaves, it is very specifically happening right this moment.

Anonymous ID: 81779b Feb. 18, 2021, 9:27 p.m. No.12995787   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, I do, and likewise, brother. I base this most on drop 4685 that keeps resonating with me.


"Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free]"


Are we at the precipice? I'd say we'll be at the precipice when it will be our darkest. The threat of /qresearch/ going full /cbts/ seems pretty damn dark, don't you think?