Anonymous ID: bd3670 March 2, 2021, 12:33 p.m. No.13095268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

one can not exist with the other. they will threaten you with jail, they may even threaten you with direct force. attacking these mosques also allowed for an extra planned attack on the mosque in ashburton, whilst i am unsure as of this time of writing whether i will reach that target, it was a bonus objective. but if you attempt to live in european lands, anywhere west of the bosphorus.we will kill you and drive you roaches from our lands. both illegal and legal drug dealers are our racial enemies, ruining the health, wealth, family structure, culture and future of our people.these peddlers of filth are active in every nation and behave without any thought of their impact on their societies. focusing on increasing the population of whites, or trying to gain economic wealth or military might, whilst already having met the requirement of numbers, wealth and military force needed is simply a stalling tactic, spoken and put forth by men too cowardly to do what is required.


why do you blame immigrants and not the capitalists? conservatism is dead, thank god. with risk comes possibilities, with possibilites comes chance for victory destabilization and accelerationism: tactics for victory true change and the change we need to enact only arises in the great crucible of crisis. the issue is complicated, far more complicated and difficult to fix than the issue of ethnic replacement. i was left with a short period of time to create a new work and only leave my views half finished. what can we do to fix it?