Anonymous ID: ef74e8 March 2, 2021, 12:40 p.m. No.13096320   🗄️.is 🔗kun

though wise men at their end know dark is right, because their words had forked no lightning they do not go gentle into that good night. but once i arrived in france, i found the stories to not only be true, but profoundly understated. it is not just a matter of our prosperity, but the very survival of our people. the varied cultures of the world greeted me with warmth and compassion, and i very much enjoyed nearly every moment i spent with them. a political and social stalemate that makes any advancement impossible. do not pay to have your people destroyed, do not line the pockets of the traitors within our ranks, don ’ t lend support to a corrupt and broken state.


with enough pressure the left wing within the united states will seek to abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the us will see this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty. win first, write the story later. do you consider it a terrorist attack? canvas public areas in support of radical positions, even if they are not your own. but in the end the struggle is a beauty in itself, and the victory will be all the sweeter because of victory is yours, if you have the will for it. we must be intrinsically leveraged into the political, militaristic, judicial, educational and economic institutions, and within 25 years.