Only after the flood,
and they sacrificed their children to Baal before the apostates from among the Jews started doing the same later.
For which reason they also were removed,
to Babylon.
But God returned them after the land was cleaned.
Then the Helenistic kings took control when there was once again apostates,
and God delivered them again.
Apostates arose from among the Jews again,
and God gave the land over to Rome in 63 BC,
but this time,
they were not delivered to retain the land,
because now the Gospel had been announced,
giving true deliverance in the Spirit,
and not regarding physical real estate.
The Rothschilds then founded the present Israel,
and Britain later took control of Palestine,
ensuring the conflicts that would occur in the future.
Before Christ,
it was God delivering the Jews.
After Christ,
the demon Rothchilds took control of things.
muh futurist eschatology,
invented by Jesuits on behalf of the Papacy,
which later became beholden to the Rothschilds.