the big change for me this morning in my birthday week
is i realized that the holocaust is not hidden in plain sight from normal americans
normal americans see it on the television and that is plain sight, they just don't see the actual facilities or give a shit that they exist
welcome to nazi land, you are the nazi, trump and obama are your hiemlers and hitlers
where the fuck is my new Israel?
i think i want yosemite national valley and all associated giant tree systems, waterfall networks
actually. I will take the sierra nevadas as my home and i own everything east of the sierras and south of the artificial border called northern washington, idaho, montana, etc
the central valley will be a clear zone
no windmills, no wine growing
cabal needs to stay south of merced and shasta and i suggest you stay away from both those areas and anything near their perceived borders
do not use mono pass
do not redeye to vegas
do not go to tahoe for the weekend
do not move a fucking inch
if you are cabal
and you move
and try to locate yourself outside of an arrest zone
you will be held in contempt and charged with resisting arrest or fleeing to some degree dependent upon the passion vs. planning nature of your crime of moving a fucking inch after being told not to with voice to skull systems
the cabal is under arrest
they are being tried in <not so secret<secret> fisa courts and will be held appropriately
i have been through those courts
i am first strawman
they don't even have legal jurisdiction over me, but I did get acquitted of all my charges
i did not plead guilty or no contest in fisa, I did not plead not guilty
i plead the 5th with 5 fingers and told the courts fuck you and I won