What is your FBI badge number?
What if Limbaugh was a Gatekeeper for the cabal. Almost allowed to talk about everything he wanted, just cheer for the wars, talk us into sending our kids to die for the bankers etc.
"This is a good war, kill kill kill"
"5 dollar a gallon gas is fair" "Look a the price of milk"
Imagine what he was thinking about in this pictureโฆ
You can look back at all the Q posts and determine that during Day shift Q posts right around this time.
Is that why it's Shilly hour here now?
But if i delete my app how will I know when my friend from 20 years ago is taking a shit or doing his laundry or buying his 9th million dollar mansion?
> Started from first post on /pol.
How did all 400,000 people all claiming this be on /pol back then?
They are desperate and want Q to post so bad.
They want any intel or hints to the pain headed their direction. They are being dismantlement from the top down and soon enough it will be them as they turn and give up each other, I wish I had a inside view so i could laugh in their face.
We are all eternal spirits that have lived thousands of lives. I want to know who I have been, I want to know who I truly am! This life is but a second in the grand scheme. This personality is only a result of this life's experiences.
Don't you all want to know who you really are?
The sheep won't even look up from grazing / freezing.