Anonymous ID: 15bea6 Feb. 18, 2021, 11:35 a.m. No.12984255   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The deep states power is derived from the military.

It is the logistics, muscle and intelligence gathering headquarters for anything global the deep state has it's hand in.

It even shepherds around the CIA spooks.

Anons want to believe Q and his merry band of turd droppers are in control of the most corrupt arm of the cabal,and I have a bridge to sell you.

Wictor tells brilliant stories, claims he doesn't believe in conspiracy theories, yet peddles them every time he writes.

We have seen this movie many times.



Cover up

False flag<<<<<<we are almost here


Move on to the next scandal

People forget

Moar fear prone

This is the history of the world for thousands of years

Enjoy the fucking show

If you live long enough, you will get to see it play out a few times as a rerun