these repercussions will hit them hard, fast and without mercy. their is no shared culture, ethnicity, language, values or beliefs. on top of this is a two party political system, split by racial, social, cultural, linguistic and class divides. if there is one thing i want you to remember from these writings, its that the birthrates must change. but when europeans from all countries and continents move to back their brothers, they can not possibly attack any one group. ethnic autonomy? remove the invaders, retake europe you wait for a signal, whilst your people wait for you whilst you wait for a sign, a signal; someone to take up the spear; to cry out in alarm, your people wait on you. there is no nation in the world that wasn ’ t founded by, or maintained by, the use of force. no. kill your local anti-white ceo protect your people, remove the poison poison sellers and toxin spreaders are free to proliferate their baneful products completely unchecked by law or society. who do you consider white?
the christchurch and linwood mosques had far more invaders, in a more prominent and optically foreign building, with less students, more adults and a prior history of extremism. everything else is just a catchphrase. if you survived, did you intend to go to trial? all i can guarantee is that inaction is sure defeat, power structures will be tested and likely will fall and most of all there is only the future ahead and attempting to march back to any earlier time will get you no where at all. but the aftershock from my actions will ripple for years to come, driving political and social discourse, creating the atmosphere or fear and change that is required. they may even go through with your imprisonment or physically harm you.