Anonymous ID: baa036 March 5, 2021, 12:45 p.m. No.13123390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

therefore, once we show them the risk of bringing their offspring to our soil, they will avoid our lands. the true question is, how did this happen? just do not allow your scepticism to turn to paranoia and keep you from supporting those that want the best for you. as these baby boomers pass on and leave us behind, there will be a rapid and obvious change in the demographic make up of our nations, both statistically and socially. is there a particular person that radicalized you the most? were/are you a supporter of donald trump? sure. were you taught violence and extremism by video games, music, literature, cinema? the total number of people in these organizations is in the millions, the total number of groups in the thousands. unity, purpose, trust, traditions, nationalism and racial nationalism is what provides strength. support them socially, back their policies, attack their detractors, voice upon support to the media and in daily conversations, make it understood on the internet that all europeans nations support them.


the truth that they are left, alone, an individual in a society worshiping the cult of the individual, to respond against an influx of outsiders from all corners of the world. more recently i have been working part time as a kebab removalist. empty churches and full shopping centers? these situations are chaotic and virtually impossible to control, no matter the planning. why were we allowing these soldiers deaths to be in vain? as for how the public perceives us?