Q isn't coming back folks. His family will be harmed if he even is caught lurking here. Trump isn't lurking anymore either. You little lost sheep are all on your own. Q kept all of you busy, just long enough for the takeover. It was cleverly designed. You watched and waited for something to happen, that was never going to happen and they just walked right up and took all of it. American was defeated from within. Your new God is Lord Rothschild and the Bilderberg group are his angels. Olympus has fallen.
Your capital bldg roof is being repainted as we speak to reflect homage paid. The republican party is no more, they only exist in name and memory. You cannot even get within 50 yards of your nation's capital right now, can you? They're going to kill 60% of you. They're going to feast on your children. You wasted your time here listening to fairy tales when you should have been fighting for your lives and the lives of your children. Some of you talk a good line about it, but will never do anything but piss yourself when they come for your guns. You failed yourselves, your families and your country… you failed the world.