i could no longer ignore the attacks. meanwhile the “ diverse ” nations across the world are scenes of endless social, political, religious and ethnic conflict. were/are you a “ islamophobe ”? the attack was planned to allow enough time to train, form a plan, settle my affairs, write down my views, then enact the attack. i mostly agree with sir oswald mosley ’ s views and consider myself an eco-fascist by nature. ethnic autonomy?
whether it takes ten years or a thousands years, whilst we are facing birth rates at sub-replacement levels, then our people are dying. white people are failing to reproduce, failing to create families, failing to have children. worker ownership of the means of production? you are not. inaction will lead to sure defeat. the same people will find themselves gradually less and less represented both politically and culturally, becoming essentially foreigners in their own lands.
>and what can we do to stop it?