Anonymous ID: 040663 March 5, 2021, 5:10 p.m. No.13152096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

is it not preferable to die in war rather than suffer any longer so horrible a spectacle? therefore we must destabilize and discomfort society where ever possible. it may upset many, but the truth of the matter is these people are directly responsible for the current invasion and sacking of europe and their treachery has damaged european prospects greatly. no matter what. let the fire of our repentance raise up the holy war and the love of our brethren lead us into combat. in the western world this is roughly 2.06 births per woman. why won ’ t somebody do something? what matters is your actions during the brief time between birth and death. look to the heart of the conflict, march yourself there, press yourself into service. if we want to radically and fundamentally change society, then we need to radicalize society as much as possible. the gun owners of new zealand are a beaten, miserable bunch of baby boomers, who have long since given up the fight.when was the last time they won increased rights?


c. what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? i can be anywhere, anytime, and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. do you believe you are better than these men? support them politically, voice support of their leaders, their ideals and their people. we must excel, both personally and as a society. i can not guarantee my success.