Why not me? New Zealand was not the original choice for attack, I only arrived to New Zealand to live temporarily whilst I planned and trained, but I soon found out that New Zealand was as target rich of an environment as anywhere else in the West. From where did you receive/research/develop your beliefs? Furthermore this balkanization will also reduce the USA ’ s ability to project power globally, and thereby ensure that never again can such a situation as the US involvement in Kosovo ever occur again (where US/NATO forces fought beside muslims and slaughtered Christian Europeans attempting to remove these Islamic occupiers from Europe). The natural environment? Western Culture? Everything else is just a catchphrase. Why do you believe you will be released from prison? You may stumble. The spell broke, why don ’ t I do something? For now we appeal to the anger and black comedic nature of the present, but eventually we will need to show the warmth and genuine love we have for our people. Even at Vienna in 1683 we Europeans still lost over fourteen thousand good men.
South Africa with all its “ diversity ” is turning into a bloody backwater as its diversity increases, black on other black, black on white, white on black, black on Indian, doesn ’ t not matter, its ethnicity vs ethnicity. They removed the Europeans peoples autonomy and sovereignty for their own lust for power and wealth. Because the “ x ” groups can be dealt with in time, but the high fertility immigrants will destroy us now, soon it is a matter of survival we destroy them first. Force is power. More deserving of life? Why make your children fight, when you could fight in their stead?