but i believe it is a partisan action against an occupying force. by living in new zealand, weren ’ t you an immigrant yourself? who do you consider white? show them the way forward there is no sheltered meadow there is nowhere left to run, turn around, face your enemy, make your stand. blitz to dominant positions all true movements are populist movements while the movement itself, at least in the vanguard stage, does not need to have the support of the entire population, eventually we will need our people to join our new society, and voluntarily. why won ’ t somebody do something? i can not guarantee my success. originally the mosque in dunedin was the main target, particularly after watching the video on their facebook page named “ otago muslim association ” https: //www.facebook.com/otago-muslim-association-20677822935878 6/ the video war entitled “ very interesting video. the people who are to blame most are ourselves, european men. i wish the different peoples of their world all the best regardless of their ethnicity, race, culture of faith and that they live in peace and prosperity, amongst their own people, practicing their own traditions, in their own nations. c. what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
was the attack anti-immigration in origin? were/are you “ left wing ”? you wait for a signal, while your people wait for you it is never wise to become a minority group. no matter where i travelled, no matter how small or rural the community i visited, the invaders were there. to drive a wedge between the nations of nato that are european and the turks that also make a part of the nato forces, thereby turning nato once more into a united european army and pushing the turkey once more back to the true position of a foreign, enemy force. minorities are never treated well, do not become one do not allow your enemies to grow unchecked when you discover a nest of vipers in your yard, do you spare the adolescents?
>that means those that can, or have the ability should look to ingrain themselves into these institutions and climb as far up the power hierarchy as possible, in the shortest time possible.