no matter if it takes 3 years or 30 years, these people must pay for their disgusting attacks upon our race. are you a fed/shill/mossad agent/false flag/patsy/infiltrator/antifa/glow in the dark etc? by living in new zealand, weren ’ t you an immigrant yourself? this is a tactic practiced not only on the french people, but on all the peoples of europe, effectively destroying the nations identity at its core and smashing apart all bonds which a successful, unified nation is built upon. be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. through our own actions and speech we shall show them a new path.
what remains? diversity is unequal, hierarchies are certain the present is a gift from those in our past your ancestors did not sweat, bleed and die in the name of a multicultural, egalitarian nation. these writing, and their coverage, are just a bonus. i remember pulling into a shopping centre car park to buy groceries in some moderate sized town in eastern france, of roughly 15-25 thousand people. a moroccan may never be an estonian much the same as an estonian may never be a moroccan. diversity is anathema to equality.
>with these boosted numbers, and with our unified forces, complete control of the united states will be possible.