these same children will one day become teens, then adults, voting against the wishes of our people, practicing the cultural and religious practices of the invaders, taking our peoples lands, work, houses and even attacking and killing our children. above all be ready for violence, and when the times comes, strike hard and fast. each nation and each ethnicity was melded by their own environment and if they are to be protected so must their own environments. do not pay to have your people destroyed, do not line the pockets of the traitors within our ranks, don ’ t lend support to a corrupt and broken state. accept death: as it is as certain as the setting of the sun at evenfall. it depends on who those workers are, their intents, who currently owns the means of production, their intents and who currently owns the state, and its intents. furthermore this balkanization will also reduce the usa ’ s ability to project power globally, and thereby ensure that never again can such a situation as the us involvement in kosovo ever occur again (where us/nato forces fought beside muslims and slaughtered christian europeans attempting to remove these islamic occupiers from europe). drive them from your lands and give the traitors what traitors deserve: a traitors death. did/do you personally hate muslims? if you are released we will find you and kill you, if you are in prison we will reach you there, if you try to hide these rapist scum we will kill you as well. each year these degenerates are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, in our own cities and across the globe.
traitors deserve a traitors death. if you believe we need to correct the white birth rates, why didn ’ t you start a family and do it yourself? under the bludgeonings of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed. the true question is, how did this happen? sir oswald mosley is the person from history closest to my own beliefs. nothing is conserved.
>the cities are the economic, judicial, political, ethnic and cultural battleground of our people and it is there we shall wage our war.