if a an individual is in ownership or control of a corporation or business, and advocates or even accepts the mass importation of non-whites to replace the native european populations, then that traitor must be destroyed. to lose our lands, our culture and our people is a defeat. why won ’ t somebody do something? i chose firearms for the affect it would have on social discourse, the extra media coverage they would provide and the affect it could have on the politics of united states and thereby the political situation of the world. no, i only wish i could have killed more invaders, and more traitors as well. somehow this isolation then radicalization is seen as a surprise, yet for anyone who was paying attention, it was a long time coming. the only muslim i truly hate is the convert, those from our own people that turn their backs on their heritage, turn their backs on their cultures, turn their back on their traditions and became blood traitors to their own race. break it ’ s back, anyway you can. i will be forgotten quickly. this is white genocide. the race of the elect suffers outrageous persecutions, and the impious race of the saracens respects neither the virgins of the lord nor the colleges of priests.
every human is worth only their own value, no more or less. western culture is trivialized, pulped and blended into a smear of meaningless nothing, with the only tenets and beliefs seemingly held to are the myth of the individual, the value of work (productivity for the benefit of your capitalist owners) and the sovereignty of private property (to ensure none of us get grand ideas of taking the unearned wealth of our owners). you will be revered, but only if you win. yes. to incite violence, retaliation and further divide between the european people and the invaders currently occupying european soil. through our own actions and speech we shall show them a new path.
>conservatism is dead.