i mostly agree with sir oswald mosley ’ s views and consider myself an eco-fascist by nature. these greed filled bastards expect to replace our people with a race of low intellect, low agency, muddled, muddied masses just so their own wealth and power can increase. i did not attend university as i had no great interest in anything offered in the universities to study. it is a terrorist attack. answering possible questions 1.in general who are you? our lands are not their home, they can return to their own lands or found their homelands elsewhere. one can not exist with the other. the wikipedia entry of these events follows: https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015 % e2 % 80 % 9316_new_year % 27s_eve _sexual_assaults_in_germany the true number of these events perpetrated across the western world is unknown and certainly under reported, as both the state, the media and the judicial system work in unison to hide these atrocities, in the fear that knowledge of these events would enrage the native people of the west and damage the perception of our new “ multicultural utopia ”. i had the will and i had the resources. few have done more to damage and racially cleanse europe of its people. if you are released we will find you and kill you, if you are in prison we will reach you there, if you try to hide these rapist scum we will kill you as well.
the race? all i can guarantee is that inaction is sure defeat, power structures will be tested and likely will fall and most of all there is only the future ahead and attempting to march back to any earlier time will get you no where at all. why did you carry out the attack? was the attack “ racist ” in origin? the survival of our people, our culture and our lands isn ’ t enough. to ensure that the peoples of the world remain true to their traditions and faiths and do not become watered down and corrupted by the influence of outsiders.
>said throughout the media, spoken by politicians, educators and celebrities.