Anonymous ID: d5f130 March 5, 2021, 12:37 p.m. No.13121606   🗄️.is 🔗kun

no, people will forget my motivations quickly and only remember the attack itself. that is complicated. the idea that a frenchmen need not speak the language, share the culture, believe in the same god or even more importantly be ethnically french is ludicrous in the extreme. on top of this is a two party political system, split by racial, social, cultural, linguistic and class divides. those that are ethnically and culturally european. if they are not of our people, but live in our lands, they must be removed. that should surprise no one. it is far better to encourage radical, violent change regardless of its origins. our present comfortable, privileged and prosperous life was gifted to us by our forebears, with the belief that we would maintain, cherish and even expand upon their work, so that one day our own children can enjoy the rewards of our labour. all else is intolerable. i did not attend university as i had no great interest in anything offered in the universities to study.


conservatism is dead. section i addresses to various groups it was not part of their blood, it came to them very late, with long arrears to make good, when the saxon began to hate. ethnic autonomy? not only am i extensively trained in unarmed combat, but i have access to the entire arsenal of the united states marine corps and i will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. canvas public areas in support of radical positions, even if they are not your own. just as their own courage will never flower forth.

Anonymous ID: d5f130 March 5, 2021, 12:43 p.m. No.13122917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

you will not find the truth anywhere else. by living in new zealand, weren ’ t you an immigrant yourself? nothing is conserved. nothing else will do. the europe of the future is not one of concrete and steel, smog and wires but a place of forests, lakes, mountains and meadows. let us all weep for our faults that raise the divine ire, yes, let us weep… but let not our tears be like the seed thrown into the sand. it ’ s the birthrates. invade the cities, take the cities, battle in the streets for the cities. depending on the definition, sure. the nation? an act, which morals you doubt in the present, will be writ by your people in wonder and admiration in the books of history.


do not fear change, we are change globalized capitalist markets are the enemy of racial autonomists if an ethnocentric european future is to be achieved global free markets and the trade of goods is to be discouraged at all costs. for example, actions such as voting for political candidates that radically change or challenge entrenched systems, radicalizing public discourse by both supporting, attacking, vilifying, radicalizing and exaggerating all societal conflicts and attacking or even assassinating weak or less radical leaders/influencers on either side of social conflicts. they need not be born here, share our race, our language, our culture or our beliefs. the economic elites who line their pockets with the profit received from our own ethnic replacement. do not go gentle into that good night. and how does diversity increase that strength?

>nothing is conserved.

Anonymous ID: d5f130 March 5, 2021, 12:46 p.m. No.13123667   🗄️.is 🔗kun

why you should risk nothing whilst others risk all? blitz to dominant positions all true movements are populist movements while the movement itself, at least in the vanguard stage, does not need to have the support of the entire population, eventually we will need our people to join our new society, and voluntarily. it matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, i am the master of my fate, i am the captain of my soul. because they are the same issue, the environment is being destroyed by over population, we europeans are one of the groups that are not over populating the world. crush these traitor ngos, kill their leadership, burn down their buildings, bomb their ships, tear down their posters and destroy their membership. there is no nation in the world that wasn ’ t founded by, or maintained by, the use of force. we must inevitably correct the disaster of hedonistic, nihilistic individualism. millions of people pouring across our borders, legally.invited by the state and corporate entities to replace the white people who have failed to reproduce, failed to create the cheap labour, new consumers and tax base that the corporations and states need to thrive. without children, there is no future there is no democratic solution understand here and now, there is no democratic solution, any attempt to vote your way out of ethnic replacement will be met with at first with derision, then contempt and finally by force. support them socially, back their policies, attack their detractors, voice upon support to the media and in daily conversations, make it understood on the internet that all europeans nations support them. the attack was to ensure a preservation of beauty, art and tradition.


they were attacks on my people, attacks on my culture, attacks on my faith and attacks on my soul. to continue on without our culture, but still own our lands, is a defeat. strong men do not get ethnically replaced, strong men do not allow their culture to degrade, strong men do not allow their people to die. but once i arrived in france, i found the stories to not only be true, but profoundly understated. the french people were often in a minority themselves, and the french that were in the streets were often alone, childless or of advanced age. household flour, a method of dispersion and an ignition source.a ballpeen hammer and a wooden shield.gas, fire, vehicular attacks, plane attacks, any means were available.

Anonymous ID: d5f130 March 5, 2021, 12:50 p.m. No.13124452   🗄️.is 🔗kun

any method that gives these traitors their sure reward is viable and should be encouraged. how are they so strong, china set to be the worlds most dominant nation in this century, whilst lacking diversity? nothing drives the invasion more and nothing needs to be defeated more than the greed that demands cheap labour. no, the attack was a end in itself, with all the necessary affect required. let our lives be stronger than death to fight against the enemies of the christian people. ” ask yourself, what would pope urban ii do? -invictis by william ernest henley there is only one victory, but many defeats. i don ’ t, but i may have some. the true question is, how did this happen? leave no vipers nest unburnt don ’ t leave the cities, run towards the fight, not away run towards the cities, run towards the conflict, run towards the enemy, fleeing from the enemy is cowardice. inaction will lead to sure defeat. each time she spoke i was stunned by her insights and her own views helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over meekness.


we must ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children. through our own actions and speech we shall show them a new path. both would seek to destroy our nation, both would seek to displace and replace our people, both would seek to destroy our culture and nationhood. we could deport or otherwise destroy the entire population of invading non-europeans in a week, if we as a race we chose to.we have the ability, we only need the will. this solution of a democratic salvation is nothing but a pipe dream, and as our enemies increase within our lands, driven by mass immigration and the invaders own higher birth rate it will be pushed further and further into the realms of impossibility. you are not.