because they are the same issue, the environment is being destroyed by over population, we europeans are one of the groups that are not over populating the world. a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. i am only wary of those cultures with higher fertility rates replacing others. the candidates were an obvious sign of our times: a globalist, capitalist, egalitarian, an ex-investment banker was no national beliefs other than the pursuit of profit versus a milquetoast, feckless, civic nationalist, an uncontroversial figure who ’ s most brave and inspired idea resolved to the possible deportation of illegal immigrants. more immigrants are choosing to retain their own healthy culture, year by year, and even more telling, our own people are beginning to join them, looking outside their own watered down and deteriorating culture to look for purpose and guidance from outside sources. once the corporate and state medias grip on the zeitgeist of modernity was finally broken by the internet, true freedom of thought and discussion flourished and the overton window was not just shifted, but shattered. but they will not occupy our soil. religion? i worked for a short time before making some money investing in bitconnect, then used the money from the investment to travel. the attack was planned to allow enough time to train, form a plan, settle my affairs, write down my views, then enact the attack. i had seen many pictures and heard many people discuss the cemeteries, but even knowing about these cemeteries in advance, i was still not prepared for the sight.
how did you develop/research/receive your views and beliefs? drive through confessionals and no fault divorce? their number uncountable, the representation of their loss unfathomable. their voices were even and low, their eyes were level and straight. millions of european and other ethno-nationalist peoples that wish to live in peace amongst their own people, living in their own lands, practicing their own traditions and deciding the future of their own kind. why were we allowing these soldiers deaths to be in vain?