Anonymous ID: cfbe9f March 5, 2021, 3:31 p.m. No.13139701   🗄️.is 🔗kun

fertility rates are cultural, there is no denying that, so there was a war of cultures being fought by the invaders, and my attack was a response to this. as we speak i am contacting my secret network of spies across the usa and your ip is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. all else is insufficient. democracy is the only solution, why are you committing to force? why should others fight for you if you are not willing to fight for yourself? turn your back to your people? do not expect to survive, the only thing you should expect is a true war and to die the death of a true soldier. without a single shot fired in response? more recently i have been working part time as a kebab removalist. these greed filled bastards expect to replace our people with a race of low intellect, low agency, muddled, muddied masses just so their own wealth and power can increase. this time of possible instability will also be a at a time where our potential nation enemies in the east will be reaching their own zeniths of power.


if you are released we will find you and kill you, if you are in prison we will reach you there, if you try to hide these rapist scum we will kill you as well. this is racial replacement. do not fret on the manner of how victory is achieved, all methods are possible, in the face of ethnic genocide, all morality is ambiguous. there is no green future with never ending population growth, the ideal green world can not exist in a world of 100 billion 50 billion or even 10 billion people. it was not suddenly bred, it will not swiftly abate, through the chilled years ahead, when time shall count from the date that the saxon began to hate. a vote for a radical candidate that opposes your values and incites agitation or anxiety in your own people works far more in your favour than a vote for a milquetoast political candidate that has no ability or wish to enact radical change.