Anonymous ID: 3a18ce Feb. 18, 2021, 8:26 p.m. No.12995305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5490 >>5627 >>5727 >>5786

Blinken Tells Europeans Biden Ready to Negotiate With Tehran



The United States is ready to begin negotiating with Iran in an attempt to reestablish the 2015 nuclear deal or something like it, Secretary of State Antony Blinken relayed to counterparts Thursday in a video conference call with (E3) — France, Germany, and the U.K.


According to a report by Axios, the U.S. and the E3 stressed that Iran must return to full compliance with commitments under the nuclear deal. Blinken reiterated that if Iran resumes strict compliance with its obligations, the U.S. will do the same, though the U.S. commitments were unspecified.


The allies also asked Iran to halt implementation of the “additional protocol” of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty starting February 23, which would reduce Iran’s cooperation with U.N. inspectors, suspending their permission to conduct unannounced visits to Iran’s nuclear sites.


Concern was also expressed at Iran’s increased production of 20 percent enriched uranium and uranium metal, both violations under the 2015 deal.


In response to the U.S. and E3, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif suggested, “Instead of putting onus on Iran, they must abide by own commitments and demand an end to Trump’s legacy of economic terrorism against Iran.”


More revealing is the Biden administration’s concurrence with European leaders to hold more negotiations on the Iran problem with Russia and China’s foreign ministers, according to the conference call.

Anonymous ID: 3a18ce Feb. 18, 2021, 8:29 p.m. No.12995324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5335 >>5364 >>5376 >>5490 >>5627 >>5727 >>5786

‘De-occupy DC’: Two GOP congressmen say ‘QAnon threat’ being hyped to justify permanent fence & troops in US capital


After US Capitol Police called for National Guard troops and razor wire to stay in place through March, citing online chatter by ‘QAnon,’ two Republican members of Congress accused them of drumming up excuses for the ‘occupation.’


Several thousand troops and fencing topped with razor wire around the US Capitol – deployed after the January 6 riot – ought to stay in place at least through the end of March, lawmakers were told on Thursday. According to a report in Newsweek, Capitol Police were alarmed by online chatter by followers of the ‘QAnon’ conspiracy saying that former President Donald Trump will be inaugurated on March 4.


“Trump isn’t getting reinstated until after he wins the 2024 election,” quipped Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Florida), a close ally of the former president. “Also, does this strike anyone as possible threat construction to justify the ongoing occupation of Washington DC?”


His sentiments were quickly seconded by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky), a libertarian-leaning Republican.


“De-occupy DC. Send our great soldiers home. There is no threat, but the swamp wants to project that image so they can pass new laws to steal your liberty,” Massie tweeted on Thursday evening.


Several hundred Trump supporters broke into the main Capitol building on January 6, as Congress met to certify the election of Democrat Joe Biden as the next US president. One of the protesters was shot and killed by Capitol Police. Four other deaths – including a Capitol Police officer – were attributed to the riot, leading to Democrats and most mainstream media to characterize it as a deadly “insurrection” and accuse Trump of “inciting” it. They attempted to impeach him for it, even after he left office on January 20.


Some 27,000 National Guard troops were sent to Washington, DC in the aftermath, as the media cited an alleged FBI memo about potential “uprisings” across the country. None materialized, however, but some 7,000 troops stayed on guard long after Biden’s inauguration.


Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman has called for the fencing and other security measures to become permanent, over the objections of Muriel Bowser, the Democrat mayor of Washington, DC.


The newest pretext for maintaining the military presence is chatter by so-called “sovereign citizens,” who allegedly argued that every US president since Ulysses S. Grant has been illegitimate and that Trump will be inaugurated as the 19th – rather than the 45th – chief executive on March 4, the traditional inauguration date before it was moved to January 20 in 1933.

Anonymous ID: 3a18ce Feb. 18, 2021, 8:35 p.m. No.12995369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5490 >>5627 >>5727 >>5786

Mexican President Confirms Discovery of ‘Experimental’ Cartel Coca Field


Mexico’s president confirmed the discovery of experimental coca fields in the coastal state of Guerrero, signaling a potential new venture for cartels.


During a news conference, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador spoke about the discovery of a coca plantation in Atoyac, Guerrero.


“We know that you are there in Guerrero experimenting with coca growths,” Lopez Obrador said. “We are already investigating that. We have found some coca growths in Atoyac.”


While Guerrero has vast poppy fields and is considered a heroin production area, this is one of the first times that Mexican officials confirmed coca growths in the region. Breitbart Texas consulted with Mexican federal law enforcement officials who confirmed that criminal organizations are working to develop coca fields to establish full cocaine production processes in Mexico. Authorities have found experimental growths in Chiapas and in Guerrero, the law enforcement source revealed.


In 2014, Mexican soldiers seized 1,639 coca plants in a field in Tapachula, Chiapas. That raid came after the arrests of three suspects who had more than 360 pounds of coca leaves in a house per case file 711/CO49-2014. Six years after that raid, Mexico’s government has released very limited information about the case.


During his news conference, Lopez Obrador did not specify which criminal organization was responsible for the coca growth but spoke about improving government aid to farmers to keep them from growing drugs.