Anonymous ID: a00d87 Feb. 18, 2021, 9:28 p.m. No.12995792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5812 >>5814 >>5820 >>5829 >>5831 >>5833 >>5874

Trump supporters are planning to storm the Capitol again on 4 March, lawmaker warns

Committee chair tells defence officials that QAnon supporters and others are considering a second attack on Congress, says ‘that is circulating online’

Donald Trump’s supporters are allegedly planning a second attack on the US Capitol on 4 March, a Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee has said.


Adam Smith, the chairman of the committee, told defence officials on Wednesday that QAnon conspiracy theorists and Trump supporters were considering another siege on the Capitol on that day, CNN reported.


QAnon conspiracists — borrowing claims made by the extremist sovereign citizens movement — believe that Mr Trump will come back as US president on 4 March — the day inaugurations took place before 1933.


According to theories circulating online, the United States has not been a country since the gold standard was unpegged in 1933 under Franklin D Roosevelt, while no president has been legitimate since the 16th amendment was passed in 1871 under Ulysses S. Grant.


Mr Smith told defence officials, “they are thinking maybe we should gather again and storm the Capitol on March 4, that is circulating online".