Anonymous ID: a8d730 Feb. 18, 2021, 8:35 p.m. No.12995368   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The guns were specifically placed in the hands of the Sinaloa cartel. That was revealed during the trial of El Chapo that the media failed to inform the public about.

There were threads about it on halfchan/pol/ at the time. 2015?


The gun running was part of an operation that Eric Holder and Obama were chin deep in.

Anonymous ID: a8d730 Feb. 18, 2021, 8:59 p.m. No.12995607   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Christians and midwives were the ones who suffered the most during the Inquisitions. They were called heretics and witches. It was mostly the local populations that dealt with the jews when their children would disappear.

Anonymous ID: a8d730 Feb. 18, 2021, 9:22 p.m. No.12995751   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes. There is the same indicators. Sadness and heartache. They can be in a setting where it appears they are normal and somewhat happy, but you look close the facade will slip and you will see it. Those images catch that.