kings of edom = unbalanced forces (pandemonia)
Cuomo proposes sending covid positive elderly to eldercare facilities in Washington DC. Clears seven sharks.
Exert yourselves attentively
And rid yourselves of negligence!
The buddhas are extremely hard to meet
And can be encountered only once
In koṭis of kalpas!
They did not see their own defects,
Being faulty in self-discipline,
And clung to their shortcomings;
These of little wisdom have already left.
Through the virtuous dignity of the Buddha
The dregs of the assembly have departed.
Having little virtue,
These people were incapable of accepting this Dharma.
Free of useless twigs and leaves,
Only the pure essence of this assembly remains.
O Śāriputra, listen carefully!
All the buddhas teach the Dharma
That they have attained
Through the immeasurable power of skillful means,
For the sake of sentient beings.