Even nature is getting in on the act
Naw now that just can't be right!!! There has to be some law against this. Certainly he can't be over there, making plans to overthrow the USA.
Ya got my vote. String em up by the balls and drag his sorry arse into court
Paper ballots and a red finger
Welp they won't be able to do anything but read his posts. More power to them and I hope they learn sumtum
Wheres My Logan Act MEME's???? I can't make a meme … but I can post the shit out a one!!!!
Already handled…thanks for your concern
Wow did you discuss all this with your therapist before you came here?
Politician loses it. Thinks he's the elected President of the US. Goes off the reservation to make deals with foreign country's on his own.
Grabbing dem both.
Did he suffer some bad accident while in France some years back?
Play it again Sam