NSA =/= US Cyber Command
NSA has always been under DoD reporting to SecDef. While the tweet is notable, anon twisted the info.
NSA =/= US Cyber Command
NSA has always been under DoD reporting to SecDef. While the tweet is notable, anon twisted the info.
Kerry is free to speak with whomever he likes. If he tries to influence gov policy or employees and hasn't registered as a foreign agent, IMO he needs to be prosecuted.
Politicians have always consulted predecessors, party elite, and think tanks for foreign policy advice. Trump has not been doing this. Seems to be driving them crazy watching him trail blaze and undoing their work.
>He MUST be charged with Logan Act
There has only been two convictions under the Logan Act occurring back in the early to mid 1800s. Not going to see that one dusted off. Mueller charged Manafort and Gates though for not registering as a foreign agent. While that is a little used law too at least it's more current.