Stop posting this stuff again and again.
No one cares.
Any time now, we should hear something from SCOTUS. Such as it is.
Bannon is waiting to hear what the SC says, like all of us. Just like Q is waiting for something.
What you say is true, but it goes beyond that. Even if they say they will hear a case or 3, the WHEN is also critical.
Possible, but we won't know until they say. This anon has zero expectations about anything they might do. Whatever it is, the battle continues.
Heard a clip from a Sidney interview yesterday, I think on X22, and she said she couldn't wait to depose the Dominion farqwads. When asked if the case was taken, how far out it would run, even 2024, she shot that down instantly. She said it should be very fast, because discovery would be "devastating." Yes indeed. But she did not state any expectation for when such a hypothetical event might be on the court calendar.
Joe, you are a pitiful loser, traitor and all around asshole. NO ONE wants you in Texas. Just go to your basement and wait for the penny to drop.
kek That's a big 10-4. o7
>game changer
Those words have been running through my mind for days. Yet I have zero faith in those people after what they did before.
What they have done can not stand. They have openly told us that we are slaves, and that our world will now be destroyed. It is now our move, regardless of what comes out of the SC.
Feeding on itself, like an EQ.
Rats in a sack, inevitably. And now the moronic street trash rushes forward, thinking it sees an opening to rise within the dark pyramid. What a world.
AOC and the rest of them are all accessories to what Cuomo did, and is still doing. Guilty, trying to deflect, after all of them were on board with, and "benefited" from, the entire vile plot.
One of the greatest days of our lives will be when worthless parasites such as yourself, have their souls crushed into pancakes.
Tranny speak, making no sense. "Yeah, we forced death through the doors, but we DID tell them to be careful." If that is their best defense (hint, it is), then they all might as well just jump.
On our worst day, every one of us is better than you at everything. Just keep up with the verbal diarrhea, but be sure to clean up after yourself.
Whatever you grunt out, Baghdad Bob.
PLEASE go down and take your third shot. Don't wait, do it now.
Your kindergarten IQ test came back with FAIL at the top. "Advise placing this one in the janitor pipeline."