Anonymous ID: 11b0da Feb. 19, 2021, 1:11 p.m. No.13003004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3100 >>3112 >>3148 >>3233 >>3476 >>3532 >>3607 >>3724 >>3758


On the day after tomorrow, the 21st of February, EVERY Jew on earth is going to participate in a mass ritual to summon the Antichrist.


This is massive, they're setting up a global ritual magic scenario.


Their idea is to leverage the entire ethnic collective unconscious of the anti-race kikes.


But in physical terms, this is when they'll cynically reveal their false messiah/christ.


If they pull this off, for christians it will be seen as the "Second Coming of Jesus" and for jews it will be the coming of their ethnic savior/moshaic.


Will it happen? Who knows, but if it does it'll be followed by a world war (Armageddon). The Zionist/Christian and Global Jewry have been planning for this moment for thousands of years, and they have all the levers of power and technology neccessary to accomplish this.

Anonymous ID: 11b0da Feb. 19, 2021, 3:12 p.m. No.13003733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3737 >>3758 >>3765 >>3768


General rule, if someone has a lollypop emoji or a namebadge emoji they're definitely a pedofag.








@transbonanno (this one is a major enabler, one of the largest accounts, isnt in the ring but her gf is, she's being groomed by her gf, although her gf is also a minor)











@ZooThoughtShop (this one isnt a pedo account, but is a zoophile)


@SneakybeakyS (large account, not in the cult but an """ally""")

@ChippyPills (Large account, not in the cult but is "dating" one)


@AliceLostLoli (large cult member, is a minor but helps them groom other minors)

@NaughtyBear1337 (very large account, ally to the cult)



@kidpilled (this is a big one, not in size but in how awful they are, openly pro contact, promotes child molestation, basically the final level of the cult)





@Oogle_Ninja (not a member, but one of the most pro pedo accounts on the site)

@lillyanarchist (larger account on the periphery)






@UltraFatass (not a pedo but a zoofag)















@PipMaker4X (this is a big one, one of the largest ancap pedo accounts)

@bakuninsbussy (formerly major pro pedo account, now a minor pro pedo account)






@Loli25029109 (large pedo)

@Yoi16244910 (Not a pedo, but a zoofag)

@CharlieFennec (another zoofag)


@Chrissharkson (zoofag)


@Giff00 (self IDing pedo)

@ashie_luvsu (pro pedo minor, probably groomed)

Anonymous ID: 11b0da Feb. 19, 2021, 3:12 p.m. No.13003737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3758 >>3765


@Anonymousbaddi (pro pedo minor)

@zoo_furry (zoo)

@MeekoMAP3 (self IDing pedo)

@benign8273 (unironic necro)


@CheatingFurry (zoofag)









@Bakuninsbunny (pedo supporter, large acount)

@vrijomslachtig (pedo supporter, massive account, they hide it now a days)

@katiedropout (massive pedo supporter, one of the largest accounts in the cult, potentially a ringleader, doesnt groom directly but helps a bunch)


@Fag_Posting (ally, doesnt talk about it much)



@void_inhabitant (ally)


@bwossoming (self IDing pedo)








@SusMavis (larger account in the far down levels of the cult)






@retardbf (former influential account)



@retardedboy (fairly large pro pedo account)

@KleineFrauEsra (self IDing pedo)

@moth_deer (major pro pedo account)






@glossawy (supporter, fairly large account)


@CATBOYGENOCIDE (major pro pedo account)

@winter_tsunami (large cult member)

@Jasmineuwu12gps (latest account of pedo who shows up every now and then)

@teenkaczynski (supporter)


@sugarwounds (dont post much pro pedo themselves, but is very close with all major pedo accounts and cult members, posts pro stuff when they comment on things)

@a_dumb_opossum (massive supporter, also abusive to former partner)

@faustianalcohol (big account)

@AngerGoBRRRR (large account, pedo, inactive atm but may return)