Anonymous ID: 4c5e55 Feb. 19, 2021, 1:31 p.m. No.13003097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3435

>>13001799 pb notable


Former Stow anon, grew up there pre Y2K. I keep seeing occasional digs into my hometown, figured I would throw in my two cents. It is a small town outside Boston and halfway to Worcester, it was the town you wanted to live in and wanted your kids to go to school in.


Don't remember much odd goings on in town but it became the home to high tech company executives while I was there. Intel next town over, Bose in town now along with Radant. Many other high tech firms around the area, good commute distance to Boston. The entire area became the silicone valley of the east while I was there and appropriately expensive.


For planefags the oddest thing in town was the creation of an airfield at the Collings foundation which was not permitted as such for quite awhile. I think it is now but what should be realized and may not be is that it was aligned with the river such that they could land their large military aircraft. I remember their B-17 could go in and out and often did as did their other aircraft. I recall one pilot got confused about where he was supposed to land because their airfield didn't exist and went off the end of the local airport Minuteman runway and into the trees. Son had a stunt biplane and practiced alot, could watch the free airshow from my backyard. They also had or have a location in Florida to store aircraft so I suspect flights between the two locations were reasonably common. As I recall they lost a B-17 a year or two ago in a crash. I was never aware of anything nefarious, family was nice and could be seen around town. It is a small town and it is difficult to not have everyone in your business, they were the rich family in town trying to be fairly private.


Another thing to note is there is or was a military area toward the Sudbury side of town. I believe it was considered part of Fort Devens and was used for training. Never knew much about it but army helicopters overhead were very common at all times such that they were pretty much ignored and just normal.


I can monitor for a bit if anyone has a question.

Anonymous ID: 4c5e55 Feb. 19, 2021, 2:24 p.m. No.13003435   🗄️.is 🔗kun


After thinking about it a bit I do recall a massive marijuana bust in the early 90's. Two large greenhouses full of mature plants close to the center of town. Not a big deal today but it was national news then.