Anonymous ID: 97ce2b Feb. 19, 2021, 1:30 p.m. No.13003094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3101

Biden Administration Prepares Way For Banks To Refuse Service To Democrats’ Enemies

By abusing the powers of federal regulators, Operation Choke Point 2.0 would stifle the bipartisanship, unity, and healing President Biden claims to desire.


Amongst the record-breaking number of executive actions taken by President Joe Biden was one related to a little-known, frightening Obama-era program called Operation Choke Point. The program, dubbed so under former Attorney General Eric Holder, uses the power of the federal government to target legal yet leftist-disfavored businesses. These include gun sellers, pawnshops, and short-term money lenders.


The Trump administration did its best to end this blatantly unconstitutional program that sought to discriminate against legal industries. In 2017, the Justice Department declared the program “formally over.” At the end of Trump’s term, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency established the Fair Access rule to solidify its culmination.


But on Jan. 28, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency under President Biden announced it would pause the Trump-era rule intended to prevent another Operation Choke Point from happening again.



Anonymous ID: 97ce2b Feb. 19, 2021, 1:52 p.m. No.13003247   🗄️.is 🔗kun


EXPOSED : Ghana, Africa That Awkward Moment when the PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana …..and then proceeds to tell the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy …and WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF ….. And then discloses to the country where the VIRUS was developed , The Fauci and Gates Involvement in the Satanic Agenda …and much much more … And then tells Ghana that he is going to END ALL VACCINATIONS …. WOW, WOW , WOW , WOW You want to know a REAL LEADER who is NOT on the DEEP STATE PAYROLL Have a Listen to this and PASS IT AROUND THE WORLD IMAGINE IF ALL LEADERS OF THE WORLD TOOK THIS STANCE Have a Listen to this and be prepared to be …”Blown Away !”


Link to Video: @PAUnion45



EXPOSED : Ghana, Africa That Awkward Moment when the PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana …..and then proceeds to tell the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy …and WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF ….. And then discloses to the country where the VIRUS was developed , The Fauci and Gates Involvement in the Satanic Agenda …and much much more … And then tells Ghana that he is going to END ALL VACCINATIONS …. WOW, WOW , WOW , WOW You want to know a REAL LEADER who is NOT on the DEEP STATE PAYROLL Have a Listen to this and PASS IT AROUND THE WORLD IMAGINE IF ALL LEADERS OF THE WORLD TOOK THIS STANCE Have a Listen to this and be prepared to be …”Blown Away !”


Link to Video@PAUnion45



EXPOSED : Ghana, Africa That Awkward Moment when the PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana …..and then proceeds to tell the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy …and WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF ….. And then discloses to the country where the VIRUS was developed , The Fauci and Gates Involvement in the Satanic Agenda …and much much more … And then tells Ghana that he is going to END ALL VACCINATIONS …. WOW, WOW , WOW , WOW You want to know a REAL LEADER who is NOT on the DEEP STATE PAYROLL Have a Listen to this and PASS IT AROUND THE WORLD IMAGINE IF ALL LEADERS OF THE WORLD TOOK THIS STANCE Have a Listen to this and be prepared to be …”Blown Away !”


Link to Video: @PAUnion45



EXPOSED : Ghana, Africa That Awkward Moment when the PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana …..and then proceeds to tell the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy …and WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF ….. And then discloses to the country where the VIRUS was developed , The Fauci and Gates Involvement in the Satanic Agenda …and much much more … And then tells Ghana that he is going to END ALL VACCINATIONS …. WOW, WOW , WOW , WOW You want to know a REAL LEADER who is NOT on the DEEP STATE PAYROLL Have a Listen to this and PASS IT AROUND THE WORLD IMAGINE IF ALL LEADERS OF THE WORLD TOOK THIS STANCE Have a Listen to this and be prepared to be …”Blown Away !”


Link to Video:

Anonymous ID: 97ce2b Feb. 19, 2021, 3:27 p.m. No.13003834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3842 >>3846 >>3854 >>3858 >>3874


>wtf is going on?


won't let me post Lin article…

Attorney Lin Wood Releases Statement Before Supreme Court Ruling on Election Fraud Today — UPDATED WITH NEW COMMENT

Lin Wood says we will know today if we have a Supreme Court left or not. “If the Court says NO, we will know the majority of the Court is corrupt. The cases are based on established, black letter law… A ruling should be made today in the Pennsylvania case.”


Today we will find out if the SCOTUS has been corrupted like the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and the rest of the swamp.


God help us.

Anonymous ID: 97ce2b Feb. 19, 2021, 3:29 p.m. No.13003842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3874


>Attorney Lin Wood Releases Statement Before Supreme Court Ruling on Election Fraud Today — UPDATED WITH NEW COMMENT



UPDATE at 4:00 PM ET-– Lin Wood posted this moments ago…


I have concerns about the following members of the U.S. Supreme Court:

Roberts (you know why)

Breyer (anti-Trumper)

Barrett (nomination and confirmation pushed by McConnell)

Kavanaugh (tied to Bush 43)

Sotomayor (attended what may have been fake Bribes inauguration proceeding & appointed by Obama)

Gorsuch (who knows – flip-flopper)

Kagan (nominated by Obama)

I have confidence in Alito (based on earlier PA injunction ruling)

I have confidence in Thomas (Patriot)


The Federalist Society has had TOO MUCH influence on recent SCOTUS nominations. That needs to change in the future.

The U.S. Supreme Court should never be guided by politics The rule of law is nonpartisan.