Holy shit. The board is down to nothing but the chink shills that serve the same people as the Xiden admin. Not surprising the psyop continues since we also have the same FBI as the prior admin. Traitors across the board.
Yep. Pretty ingenious. But pathetic that people are still playing right into our enemies' hands. Unless the board is nothing but shills which I can only hope. Otherwise, their plan to dumb down the population was an even more smashing success!
That stooge is no different than Trump. They are all the same or they don't end up in their positions. Idiots here believe Trump because he said what Americans wanted to hear. If levels of manipulation were college courses, saying what people want to hear would be the pre-requisite class for manipulation 101. So much for "autism". Trump did nothing for us and was just another shitbag cabal creation.
Who Killed The Middle Class?
Trump did. But don't anyone worry because the Kushner Corp did just fine. So did everyone that was supposed to be arrested.
Everything today has to be read of the standpoint of what are they trying to have us believe? In this case, heroin is okay. This article is just another indication that everything is comped out the ass, at the macro and micro levels, and geered towards destroying whitey.
>Q team asked Trump to run for POTUS.
When the foundation of your position is a lie, you have zero chance at arriving at a sound conclusion.
That's because their entire time in office was nothing more than an act. Two actors who are fighting in their play still go out for beers after the show is over.
>EVERY attempt by President Trump
LOL. Who do you think allowed the fraud to go down in the first place?
>Any news on SCOTUS cases?
That decision will be made solely on whether the illusion of a free nation is collapsing. If so, we'll get more political theatre. The final outcome is already decided, just like always.
Hint: It's the same person that got rid of Epstein to forever protect the criminals that have been running everything for decades.
Also shows how easily it would be to round them up and why no one gets elected who isn't a club member.
Those are the people that are just as stupid now as they were when this psyop first started. I'm not one of them.
How amazing that they couldn't get it done during Trump's 4 years. Just another coincidence, no doubt.
>these boards threaten everything about you and your bosses
These boards threaten absolutely nothing except patriots' ability to assess the true state of their nation.