Anonymous ID: c5ad7e Feb. 19, 2021, 3:54 p.m. No.13004041   🗄️.is 🔗kun



kek, thas what i called it also; 'schumer resonator' i think i said, haha

dang that guy makes me mad

chuck nancy lying aoc (wrong bldging dumbass) cuomo lying schiff (transcript) all need to go so Quickly; like tomrw

those jackasses have their jobs because of the People

now it's prolly all rigged

that's why they win for decades

if they been there moar than 8 years, BEWARE imo

recall all swamp; work together

thank you Anons!

ThunderCats, Hoooo!


Anonymous ID: c5ad7e Feb. 19, 2021, 4:04 p.m. No.13004095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

whew whew whew

dang i ran all the way over here

am i in Time 4 Night Shift?!


msm HATES (You), haha

badge of Honor

fake news rating down; there is a hole?

People craving reliable news?

A GOOD Time for Anons, no?

bombs away re info

information war over when ALL know

Truth sets Free

ds wants chains and socialism to get to communism and use tax payer money to fund it

impeach recall is the fastest way imo; work together


Anonymous ID: c5ad7e Feb. 19, 2021, 4:23 p.m. No.13004242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

did twtr shut this hash down?

or did it go away organically?

i know it got to 4 milli but i can't member if twtr censored it

they had to, right?

it prolly had 10 milli and ds was having nightmares

thas why nancy wants a big fence now; kek

waste of money

fake AF narrative; obvious

cnn viewers, come'on man; quit carrying around turds in your pockets

this is the grinding phase, Anons

in Poker, this is where the great players outplay their opponents hand after hand, always playing w the odds in their favor; Quick to throw a loser hand away

Can you throw away Quads and put your player on a straight Flush?

Doyal can.

Have you got beat for all your money to a 1 outer (Jack of Diamonds)?

i have, kek (play enough hands, you will also)

use the odds to your advantage

use the bluff when the op arises

w skill, less luck is needed

Thank you Anons!