These situations are chaotic and virtually impossible to control, no matter the planning. The french people were often in a minority themselves, and the french that were in the streets were often alone, childless or of advanced age. Support them economically, donate to their cause, buy products from their people, volunteer your resources and labour. Somehow this isolation then radicalization is seen as a surprise, yet for anyone who was paying attention, it was a long time coming. Accept death: as it is as certain as the setting of the sun at evenfall. Likely a new society will need to be created with a much greater focus on family values, gender and social norms and the value and importance of nature, culture and race. This Pakistani muslim invader now sits as representative for the people of London. Every day we become fewer in number, we grow older, we grow weaker. You are not. When the time comes you must be ready to act. Just a ordinary White man,28 years old.
You are not. To ensure that the peoples of the world remain true to their traditions and faiths and do not become watered down and corrupted by the influence of outsiders. Radical, explosive action is the only desired, and required, response to an attempted genocide. Australia, just like the rest of the colonies of Europe, is simply an off-shoot of the European people. As I sat there in the parking lot, in my rental car, I watched a stream of the invaders walk through the shopping centre ’ s front doors. Section I Addresses to various groups It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.