Weird side-eye and a fake af "wow".
kek where I'm from the rates are relatively cheap compared to other States.
You'd have to be welding your grow house here to get them that high.
No need to filter what you don't bother to read.
Come on, man.
After so many WTF did I name it disasters the switch to a new sperg style is working perfect for me.
>"I filter this" is an op
Yeah, with some /ourkarens/ mixed in.
The Map is as (if not more) important than The Clock.
But, QR as a whole directed 99% hyper-focus on The Clock back then.
Good, glad to hear that.
I only mention it because of the numerous times on Night Shift I've seen the "posting on NS because DS were assholes" theme when it comes to The Clock.
Me in DS: GTFO lurk moar nigger
Me on NS: Sorry, Anon. I just don't see it that way.
It shouldn't be that way but it do.
kek you're not wrong
However, NS does have a kinder, gentler, 1000 points of light soft underbelly that DS lacks.
Anon, it's already at the Well, we're waiting stage to see what the decision was.
Keep an eye out for that.
I'm kinda of expecting stuff like that to start appearing tho.
I think Joe's gonna get A25'd soon.