Anonymous ID: 7c11cb March 5, 2021, 12:51 p.m. No.13124656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

everywhere i travelled, barring a few small exceptions, i was treated wonderfully, often as a guest and even as a friend. what makes you think that you have all the answers? the truth is that eventually people must face the fact that it wasn ’ t a damn thing to do with the economy.that it was the british people firing back at mass immigration, cultural displacement and globalism, and that ’ s a great and wonderful thing. by living in new zealand, weren ’ t you an immigrant yourself? they removed the europeans peoples autonomy and sovereignty for their own lust for power and wealth. drive them from your lands and give the traitors what traitors deserve: a traitors death. yes, and to plead not guilty.the attack was a partisan action against a occupying force, and i am a lawful, uniformed combatant. sure. they were not easily moved, they were icy – willing to wait till every count should be proved, ere the saxon began to hate. even at vienna in 1683 we europeans still lost over fourteen thousand good men. violence is power and violence is the reality of history.wake up.


history is the history of power. a vote for a radical candidate that opposes your values and incites agitation or anxiety in your own people works far more in your favour than a vote for a milquetoast political candidate that has no ability or wish to enact radical change. i have read the writings of dylan roof and many others, but only really took true inspiration from knight justiciar breivik. no, when i was young i was a communist, then an anarchist and finally a libertarian before coming to be an eco-fascist. overcome us? what better sign of the white rebirth than the removal of this invader?