Tucker Carlson Tonight - February 23 (Tuesday)
Tucker's monologue this evening is called The Left's Far-reaching Disinformation Campaign. This is a masterful swipe at the lying potato heads (especially at CNN) who spout concerns about "disinformation" without the slightest hint of self-awareness. Unfortunately, lies have consequences - mostly little things like buildings catching fire. Does the word "norm" make you think "normie"? Tucker stresses that word and not by accident since he brings up QAnon. He says that he can't find it. Kek and bullshit. He knows where to find us but I think he is really saying what Q said: there is no QAnon. At 10:25, Tucker brings up a graph, noting that the number of references to "racism" in the print media began to spike in 2011. No, that looks like 2015, around the time that Donald Trump announced his presidential run. Tucker's premise is that they are pushing racism to cover up the growing wealth disparity. Jimmy Dore has a really good point. In Canada (I can't speak for other countries), the serfs are receiving routine compensation for their losses due to the fake pandemic. What the fuck is wrong with our Yankee neighbours that their government can't muster a one-time payment? At 17:40, what is former general Russel Honore up to? There are videos of the Capitol Hill cops letting the rioters into the building so Honore is not wrong to suggest complicity. Did Tucker not see the videos? Also, the FBI is seizing the phone records of Congress critters. No sympathy. They can't expect to walk away unscathed while patriots get arrested just for being in the wrong place on the wrong day. Josh Hawley should shut the fuck up if he has nothing to hide (uh huh). At 23:30, Tucker has a lengthy screed about elite privilege, specifically the elite colleges and universities. There must be some elite colleges somewhere in Canada but, to be honest, I really can't think of any. Maybe the class division is not so extreme in Canuck land? I don't know. Who will educate the immigrants currently invading the U.S. at the behest of the Biden regime? Tucker thinks that the elites should take the lead. You know that won't happen. The crumbling school in your crumbling neighborhood will have to take them in. Seems fair to me since you're not going to resist anyway. Trump can summon a million patriots to Washington DC for a speech but none will show up at the Mexican border to protest the invasion from central America. You can only hope, like Tucker does, that the upper class can be shamed into doing the right thing. At 34:35, some frustrated business owners in California are teaming up to resist the CoronaHoax lockdowns. As I stated before, they got themselves into this by bending over backwards in the first place. Forget the masks and the social distancing. Just open your businesses, you fucktards. They literally cannot stop you if you do it together.
Tucker brought up this survey: https://www.skeptic.com/research-center/reports/Research-Report-CUPES-007.pdf