Anonymous ID: bcd829 March 5, 2021, 4:02 p.m. No.13145644   🗄️.is 🔗kun

venerate the ancestors but work for the children a soldiers fight the ideal of a heroic war, without loss, without failure, without some great setback, is idealistic and downright impossible. make your plans, get training, form alliances, get equipped and then act. they built homes for their children to live in, they built communities for their people to thrive in, they built nations for their people to survive in. support them physically, be ready to put boots on the ground, send them weapons and munitions, attack their enemies. with enough pressure the left wing within the united states will seek to abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the us will see this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty. in the event of an engagement i had the somewhat quixotic notion of shouting down responding state enforcers, intimidating them into dropping their weapons and if that failed, only targeting non-vital areas of their body such as the anterior of the thigh, shoulder or a side-on through shot of the calf, hamstring or gluteal muscles so as to cause the least amount of harm as possible and to allow for a quick recovery. to christians “ the people worthy of glory, the people blessed by god our lord, moan and fall under the weight of these outrages and most shameful humiliations. this warlord must bleed his last, whilst he visits his ethnic soldiers currently occupying europe. the hagia sophia will be free of minarets and constantinople will be rightfully christian owned once more. the true question is, how did this happen? they are also one of the strongest groups, with high fertility, high in group preference and a will to conquer.


but kill sixty unarmed invaders having shown the will and the intent to bring harm to your nation and people, and you will be considered a monster, dragged through the streets, ridiculed, attacked, your character assassinated in every way it can be and finally tried in court and imprisoned for the rest of your life. “ we are disgraced, sons and brothers, who live in these days of calamities! this time of possible instability will also be a at a time where our potential nation enemies in the east will be reaching their own zeniths of power. not a thing has been conserved other than corporate profits and the the ever increasing wealth of the 1 % that exploit the people for their own benefit. but they will not accept this death. the movement may begin in poland, austria, france, argentina, australia, canada or even venezuela, but the movement will begin and when it does, be ready to throw your weight behind your people, with full force.

>when the time comes you must be ready to act.