barring the importation of all goods produced outside the new european zone (the new western world) is an essential pillar of the future western economy. you will be infamous until victory is achieved. kill the rapists, hang their families diversity is weak why is diversity said to be our greatest strength? our present comfortable, privileged and prosperous life was gifted to us by our forebears, with the belief that we would maintain, cherish and even expand upon their work, so that one day our own children can enjoy the rewards of our labour. the christchurch and linwood mosques had far more invaders, in a more prominent and optically foreign building, with less students, more adults and a prior history of extremism. a moroccan may never be an estonian much the same as an estonian may never be a moroccan. there was a racial component to the attack. i am not a direct member of any organization or group, though i have donated to many nationalist groups and have interacted with many more. sir oswald mosley is the person from history closest to my own beliefs. i worked for a short time before making some money investing in bitconnect, then used the money from the investment to travel. kill your local drug dealer europe for europeans the invaders must be removed from european soil, regardless from where they came or when they came.
the last virtues of a dying nation are tolerance and apathy, and i want none of it. this warlord must bleed his last, whilst he visits his ethnic soldiers currently occupying europe. drive through confessionals and no fault divorce? kill your local drug dealer europe for europeans the invaders must be removed from european soil, regardless from where they came or when they came. i had seen many pictures and heard many people discuss the cemeteries, but even knowing about these cemeteries in advance, i was still not prepared for the sight. do not expect to survive, the only thing you should expect is a true war and to die the death of a true soldier.