Has anyone else noticed how the media has been trying to shred Ted Cruz and his family lately? Any ideas why? They are doing it for SOME reason, just not sure why.
Perhaps. The media DOES seem to focus on stories that make their enemies look bad all while ignoring the truth and their own complicity in far greater treachery.
Now this is kind of what I was thinking. Diversion and of course the media fell for it, or, they know something else to be true but are trying to color reality.
That's one possibility.
I know this, that having a centralized, "news," reporting organization that feeds ALL news outlets on a global scale, is NOT a good thing.
Sounds like a form of communism, but not as a form of government, although it can act as one, but rather a CENTRALIZED, instead of organic dissemination outlet. Control the top, and you control it ALL.
What I find rather telling, is the sheer amount of bullshit the dems are trying to do right now. They are not trying to maintain and preserve the constitution, in fact, they seem to be rushing headlong into trying to destroy it as fast as they can and consolidate the power they think they have right now. Panic move. They are trying to shut all the doors that lead to the proof of their treachery as fast as they can.
WTF? Is shoe polish involved?
So, you are saying your path is determined by others? Probably not the best way to live life.
YOUR choice? Okay. My question would then be, do your choices take the God of the bible into consideration? Or, do you think yourself your own god?
What IS a christian? Define please.
Oh? What is the REAL definition?