Chair of the board is a fucking Kike.
That's why it's all fucked up..
Cancerous Kikes.
Fucking pussy ass Kikes.
For a few days last month, in a little corner of the internet where topics of Jewish interest are discussed, Jewish space lasers were trending.
The discussion was prompted by speculation from the newly elected Georgia Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene based on “research” she had conducted, that wildfires in California had been caused by a project to explore “solar generators” tenuously associated with Rothschild, “an international banking firm”. Once that assertion became public, the floodgates opened and cynics, humorists and pundits – the Jewish community is blessed with an abundance of them
Surprising though it may be, in Nazi Germany Jews crafted jokes about the horrendous circumstances in which they lived. Consider this classic. Berlin 1938: two Jews were sitting on a park bench reading newspapers. One was engrossed in the Jewish communal paper, while the other occupied himself with the Nazi party’s official paper. The first, seeing his companion’s choice of reading material, expressed amazement that he would read a paper rife with antisemitic propaganda. The second explained that if he read the Jewish newspaper all he would find was news of Jews’ trials and tribulations. But if he read the Nazi paper, he learned that Jews controlled the banks, the media, foreign governments and every other important global institution. One depressed him, while the other made him feel powerful.
Imagine being a financial magazine and this is what you have to report on.
Jews were fucking shit up in Michigan long before the Muzzie's showed up.
Nice diversion try though..
Watch NY and CA
Both gov's are in deep shit right now..
Umm, to be a boomer, you have to be at least 56 yrs old, according to definition.
55 for me. Ha I'm not a boomer
>>13009088 ← How hard is it to copy and paste?