Michigan is a Muzzie stronghold now….prob why Gretch is such a commie
Name should be Mussigan
Michigan is a Muzzie stronghold now….prob why Gretch is such a commie
Name should be Mussigan
She’s gotta be related to Hitler/Rothschild bloodline
If you transfer an IRA or 401k to Bahamas, can Feds trace it?
Parler is faggot…..social score is a homos idea of freedom
Nah….commies hate religion….so Muzzies will be first target
Jeez…..You sell your soul for fame and fortune…then complain about being controlled
Great idea….give pregnant women mRNA……they will be giving birth to Rephilim
What a difference one year makes….56 you can retire at 65…..55 you gotta go to 70+